Saturday, August 15, 2009

Tria Review: At Home Laser Hair Removal

There are three major at home permanent hair removal products on the market right now. The first one I want to talk about is the Tria.

The Tria is a laser hair removal device that was approved by the FDA for use on the chest, back, legs, bikini area, underarms, feet, and hands. It requires multiple uses over a long term period of time to acheive the best hair removal results.

How does the tria work?

The Tria has three laser settings. It has low, which gives the least amount of heat, medium, and high. The higher the setting, the better the results. Some people feel discomfort on the high setting so they can use either the medium or low. The way the Tria works is by targeting dark. Therefore if you have dark skin, the Tria is not for you. Likewise, if you have lighter hair, the Tria is not for you. The Tria works best on those with light skin tones and dark hair. That way it knows what to target and can effectively and safely remove unwanted hair. Before you use the Tria you must test it with your skin tone. If your skin is too dark, the Tria will lock and you won't be able to use it. If your skin is light enough the indicator light will turn green and the Tria will unlock. If you use it on a dark skintone, you are risking burns and blistering.

I heard laser hair removal hurts, does Tria hurt?

That depends. Some people report that it hurts and others that it doesn't. Beauty is pain and there's no way permanent hair removal is going to feel like a back massage. Everyone has his/her own tolerance for pain, so you need to find out for yourself. Most people who use it report the most discomfort with the first use and that it subsides after that. If it's on the highest setting and it's uncomfortable, turn it down a setting. When removing hair from more sensitive areas, such as the bikini line or underarms, it might hurt a little more. It should feel like snap of heat.

Does the Tria really work? How often will I have to use it?

To get the full results from the Tria, it is recommended you use it once every three weeks for a total of 6-8 times. This is because hair grows in stages. While it's not set in stone that it will lead to permanent hair removal, many users report that it leads to permanent hair reduction in the amount of hair that growns back, the time it takes to grow back, and that the hair that does grown back is finer and lighter.

How much does the Tria hair removal system cost and where can I get one?

The Tria has been reduced to $795. You can find it on the internet, as well as at big department stores. You can also buy it on the Tria Beauty website. Although $795 for permanent hair removal may seem steep, when compared with how much you spend on shaving or waxing you can see that it actually saves you money. Plus it's only a fraction of the cost of getting salon hair removal treatments.

People who use the Tria see about a 50% reduction in hair after the first three uses, even though Tria claims it's more like 70%. They find that the hair grown back slower, is softer, thinner, and they don't get as many ingrown hairs. All in all, it's a great investment if permanent hair removal is something you need.

Next I will review the Silk'n laser hair removal.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Permanent Hair Removal - Is it Possible?

When we hear the words "permanent hair removal" we shudder with excitement. How fantastic would it be to rid yourself of unwanted body hair for all of eternity?! Pretty fantastic. But can this be a reality? I'm not convinced.

The fact of the matter is that permanent hair removal is somewhat of a myth. It's only really been in the past decade that people have been getting these kinds of treatments. Most people don't even see complete and permanent hair removal, and the ones who do have no way of knowing if the hair will grow back in twenty years from now.

What does exist, however, is permanent hair reduction. This has to do with getting laser treatments to rid yourself of hair. The way it works is the more you go, the less hair you will have. It removes hair for long periods of time, has it grow back slower and thinner. This is a great start for those of us who are holding our breath for the day when a cheap, over the counter product can deliver on the dream of permanent hair removal.

The two major options we have right now are electrolysis and laser. This is a great start. While electrolysis is said to be stronger and work faster than laser, laser is cheaper and is said to reduce hair from between 40% - 80%. This is great news if you fall around the 80%, but a little disappointing if you're around the 40%. The great thing about laser hair removal is definitely that it's becoming available for home use at a fraction of the cost for treatments in the salon. While this won't help you achieve permanent hair removal, it will stay by your side as long as you need it and overtime you will be able to achieve great results!

In my next article I'll be reviewing at home permanent hair removal products. There are three, specifically, that I will be talking about including the No! No!, Tria, and Silk'n. I have two out of these three products that I have tried at home and will give you a thorough review of both, and I have a sister who used the third so I'll be able to review that one honestly, as well. All of these products are afforable when you compare them to what you would be paying over the years for shaving and waxing, and I think they're all better options than non permaent hair removal.

Thanks for reading and come back soon for more information and reviews and opinions about permanent hair removal.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Permanent Hair Removal

A lot of us shudder at the sight of body hair. In the past, we have had limited hair removal options and permanent hair removal wasn't really one of them. We could shave, we could wax, we could use a hair removal cream, we could Nair, we could thread but the fact remained that none of these were permanent. In fact, they are so temporary that they not only are dissatisfying, they burn a nice hole in our wallet!

Luckily for us, this is the 21st century and temporary hair removal is a thing of the past. Permanent hair removal is what we all want and we now how a lot of options when it comes to achieving this. Whether it's your legs, arms, back, bikini area, underarms, upper lip or any other part of the body, there are ways to get rid of the hair FOREVER (or at least give us a year or two of no worrying) .

Permanent hair removal now comes in different forms and "permanent" doesn't always mean permanent. So it's important to understand what we're talking about! First we have temporary hair removal. By temporary I don't mean shaving. I mean temporary permanent hair removal. This can get confusing, but its simply means that the hair will stay away for a long time. You'll usually get about a month or two of smooth skin with temporary. This is also called semi-permanent hair removal.

Next we have long term hair removal. This can last anywhere from 4 months to a year and a half. And the more often you go in for treatment the longer your hair will generally stay away! You will also find hair reduction. This isn't permanent hair removal, but in most cases it permanently reduces the amount of hair that will grow. And the more you do it, the less hair you will see and eventually you won't have to worry about regrowth at all!

It's important to know that with permanent hair removal, no method works the same on two clients. It might work better for your friend or your sister than it will on you so you shouldn't go into the process with unrealistic expectations. What you should go into a permanent hair removal treatment with is a positive attitude. Most of the time it's not a quick fix and it takes at least a few sessions over a few months to see the full results. Considering the combined time and money most of us will spend in our lives shaving or waxing, permanent hair removal, though expensive, is a wise investment.

Thanks to new technology in the beauty and hair removal industries, we are now able to get permanent hair removal from the comfort of our own homes. Though this method isn't usually as effective and immediate as it would be in the salon, it's cheaper and a great alternative for those who are shy about having a trained technician perform a rather "invasive" procedure on them. Additionally, at home hair removal can and will be just as effective as salon treatments as long as you are persistent, follow directions, and stick with it.

On this site I'll be reviewing all of your permanent hair removal options, from salon laser hair removal treatments, to at home laser hair removal treatments, to electrolysis and other methods. I'll also talk about more temporary hair removal treatments such as waxing, which is a great way to slow down hair growth while you save up to afford a more permanent hair removal solution.

Fell free to ask your questions here, and come back for permanent hair removal methods and means!